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Independence Christian School is proud to be a member of CALOC, the Christian Athletic League of Orange County.  Our students are offered the opportunity to take part in Basketball, Football, Soccer or Volleyball.  Participation in CALOC allows us to compete against other Christian Schools in the greater Orange County Area.  This is a competitive league.  Games and practices take place after our regular school day.   Players tryout prior to the start of each season.  Regular attendance at both practice and games is required.  A $100 sports fee is charged prior to the beginning of each season.

Need more info?

 Questions about our Athletic Department should be directed to our Athletic Director, Erin Compos at

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Fall Season

ICS offers both Elementary girls basketball and Elementary boys flag football, in addition to offering Jr. High girls basketball and Jr. High boys with flag football.


Winter Season

 ICS offers both Elementary girls volleyball and Elementary boys basketball, in addition to offering Jr. High girls volleyball and Jr. High boys with basketball.


Spring Season

 ICS offers Elementary co-ed soccer, in addition to offering Jr. High girls flag football, Jr. High boys volleyball and providing students with Jr. High co-ed soccer.

Making the Team

Students in good standing (both in grades and citizenship) are welcome to tryout for one of our sports teams.

Elementary Teams – 4th through 6th Grades

Jr. High Teams – 6th through 8th Grades

Based on exceptional athletic ability and maturity level we will on occasion permit an Athlete to “play up”.

Our Champions

It’s an honor to watch our athletes excel in their sport(s) of choice, but it is even more exciting to watch them become champions!

Our teams compete against other Christian schools in games and tournaments. It is with hardwork and dedication that our  athletes at Independence Christian earned several 1st place championship awards in a variety of sports.

Inquire about Independence Christian School!
What grade(s) are you interested in?
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